My name is Cleja Ioan, I am from Blaj, Alba county. I am veterinary, I have started this hobby out of passion for the Bazna pig and eventually it became a business.
We have around 30 Bazna sows + 3 or 4 boars as the case may be and we also have Mangaliţa and Vietnamese pigs.
I have always bred Bazna pigs, back at my parents in locality Bucerdea Granoasa.
In the last 5-6 years the pure breed Bazna pigs have disappeared. After the Revolution of 1989 these pigs were co-bred with meat boars until they became half-breeds too, and then they became meat pigs. Because of this, I could not find anymore Bazna boars. I found a few old sows with which I tried to continue the breed. I have searched boars for three years in the counties: Alba, Sibiu, Hunedoara, Braşov, Mureş and Cluj. I have hardly found boars and sows.
The acquisition price was high because the persons who owned them knew that these pigs have a meat and a fat with special taste and were very easy to breed around the household.
Presently, there is a very high demand for these pigs, even if their price is double compared to the usual meat pig.
For now the farm is in Blaj but I also acquired a farm in Bia, close to Blaj.
Nelutu Cleja - tel: 0740 218 702